The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences

Requested demos for Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Time PAI 2.48 PAI 4.42
8 AM
PHY 317K — PAI 2.48 — 08:00 AM
A. Torabi
2B40.20 • Density and Buoyancy: Archimedes’s Principle
9 AM
PHY 302K — PAI 2.48 — 09:00 AM
V. Perera
I'd like to show students that the temperature of water doesn't change as heat is added at 100 deg C. Could we set up a bunsen burner and have a thermometer that I can show students with the demo cam?
10 AM (None)
PHY 303L — PAI 4.42 — 10:00 AM
N. Galitzki
3B55.10 • Interference and Diffraction of Sound: Speaker Bar
6D10.10 • Interference From Two Sources: Double Slits and Lasers
6D20.10 • Interference from Multiple Sources: Different Number of Slits
6D20.50 • Gratings: Crossed Gratings and Laser
7B10.10 • Spectra: Atomic Spectra
11 AM (None) (None)
12 AM (None) (None)
1 PM (None) (None)
2 PM
PHY 317K — PAI 2.48 — 02:00 PM
J. Perry
4A40.30 • Properties of Materials at Low Temperature: Smash a Rose, Tube, or Ball
4A40.40 • Specific Heat: Beeswax
Notes: Demo camera please!
3 PM (None) (None)
4 PM (None) (None)
5 PM (None) (None)
6 PM (None) (None)
7 PM (None) (None)