5A60.10 • DNA Model
Photo Shows the Demonstration Used by the University of Texas at Austin.
- The model rotates on its axis for easier viewing of the inside of the structure.
Concepts Conveyed:
- This model displays the structure of DNA with different nucleotides shown. A, G, T, and C represent the four kinds of nucleotide monomers, while the white D tab on the end of each represents the sugar that holds the structure together, deoxyribose. The outer bands represent the alternating pentose and phosphate units, which help build the double helix structure.
- The hydrogen between the nucleotides and covalent bonds between the nucleotides and phosphate backbone are what create the double helix structure.
- The outermost oxygen atoms in the phosphate backbone of DNA have a negative electric charge due to the structure of the phosphate-nucleotide bond, thus giving each double helix a net negative charge.
Last updated on October 12, 2023