5D20.60 • Resistivity and Temperature: Conduction in Glass at High Temperature
Photo and Video Shows the Apparatus Used by the University of Texas at Austin.
Faculty Notes:
- This is a step up transformer. CAUTION: LETHAL VOLTAGE.
- Please, keep clear of any part of the apparatus above the table top.
- Turn on the gas on the side of the teaching console.
- Using the provided lighter, ignite the Bunsen burner.
- Turn on the voltage by flipping red switch at the base of the demo.
- Place the burner under the glass rod.
- When the glass begins conducting, remove the burner and turn off gas. Concept Conveyed:
- Demo uses an insulating glass rod clipped between electrodes with a voltage applied across it, demonstrating that glass can conduct under high temperatures.
- When the glass is initially heated, the air will conduct.
- After about 30 seconds, the glass will develop charge carriers and begin conducting.
Demo Staff Instructions:
- This demo uses Jacob's Ladder base, please remove Jacob's Ladder and replace with glass conducting demo on the top of the base.
- Be sure to include a lighter with demo.
- Clip glass rods onto apparatus by placing clips below the rod.
- Attach burner tube to gas port on the side of the teaching console.
- In the classroom, ground Bunsen burner by clipping one end of a wire to the burner itself and the other end to a port next to the gas port (refer to photo of setup below).
Last updated on October 7, 2022